I hope you are all in good health and looking after your friends and family.
The coming weeks we all have to work from home as much as possible.
To create a meaningful place of your own, a slow office, a designated workplace is maybe more important than ever. Surround yourself with a plant, a candle, and write a letter to a friend. Connect with each other through face-time, whatsapp video, Zoom or other tools. It has great value! And on a positive note, finish that book, do a work-out from youtube and listen to beautiful music.
For me as a small business owner with no commercial backing these times are crazy. The world is slowing down very fast.
Luckely I work from home, and I continue to do so.
Your support through webshop purchases is deeply appreciated, it means everything!
Shipping your orders will be reduced to once a week, and may impact on delivery timelines. I will keep you informed about your order status.
By way of thanks for your support, you can use the code SUPPORT at checkout for a 20% discount on your order. From now until the 6th of April 2020.
I am eager to continue developing existing and new projects. You can get in touch with me by DM on Instagram, email, or fill out the contact-form,
I urge you to promote local independent shops, by ordering take-out and shopping online. If you like to send me a review of a previous purchase, a small gesture has a great impact!
Stay safe, stay connected!
A heartfelt thank you,