The last two weeks I was on a trip. A magical journey with a couple of hundred of people from all over the world.
Every day we got a fabulous lesson, a story given to us by David Hieatt & Mike Coulter, the most inspiring teachers. The team at the Do Lectures made it all possible.
I have learned a lot about myself, and as a company of one. Learned about values, getting my act together and put it on paper & out there.
I had great conversations with the other ‘students’ in the breakout rooms. We all share the same motivation to get forward in this time of age. We help ourselves by helping others.
Now we are ‘back’ in our own homes… I’m processing all the wise words they threw at us. It will probably take another two weeks :-))
Meanwhile I’ll be writing my manifesto and doing the work I usually do, helping you organise and protect the goods in your workplace.
Thank you you soooo much for giving me the opportunity to be part of this great community!
I am a proud member of The Keyboard CEO tribe.
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