Every month I give you a summary of the books I have read, reading at this moment or about to start reading.
I read a lot, and I read several books at a time. Non-fiction books I like to read or study in the morning and at night in bed I read fiction, sometimes when I’m really tired I just read books I’ve read a lot of times, some lines in old Agatha Christies or Judge Dee Mysteries by Robert an Gulik.
The books in this list are meanly non-fiction books. Books about entrepreneurship, personal growth and everything work related, like productivity.
These books I have read or read again:
- The obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday –> A very topically book on how to deal with the whole Corona situation.
- Do / Purpose by David Hieatt –> He is my entrepreneurial hero! His credo is learn from the best, so I read every line he puts out there!
- Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod–> An old one, but a good one, I have taken a few of the life savers and made them my morning routine.
These books I am reading at this moment:
- The book of rest by James Reeves –> Tip from Mike Coulter, he reads this every night, great funny guy!
- Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg –> also a tip from Mike Coulter, Co-Host together with David Hieatt, of the Keyboard CEO course. He is a tiny habits coach!
- Do / Agile by Tim Drake–> From The Do Book Company, a book publishing company to encourage and inspire. I am a fan, I have a little stack of books already.
- Company of one by Paul Jarvis –> was on my wishlist and when Mike spoke about it in the Keyboard CEO course, I had to have it 😉
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